Mature trees, alligators, and herons in the rich landscape of a Wilmington, NC city park.
Tag: wilmington nc

Blue Clay Bike Park North Carolina
Walking through the longleaf pine forest at Blue Clay Bike Park.

Bluethenthal Wildflower Preserve North Carolina
Bluethenthal Wildflower Preserve is a tiny forest oasis in the middle of a busy campus, in the middle of a busy city.

University Woods North Carolina
Old-growth longleaf pine forest cut down by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW).

Sonic Oak North Carolina
The Sonic Oak, a huge old live oak tree on Market Street cut down by NCDOT.

The Hilton Oaks North Carolina
Photos of the gorgeous big oaks in the tiny Hilton Park, tucked away in Wilmington’s industrial area.