Cows have killed the vast majority of giant sequoia (and other conifer) seedlings in Starvation Creek Grove (and other groves), trampling them into dust. Grazing of our public lands is permitted immediately after fire. Cows have wantonly destroyed abundant natural post-fire regrowth in our fire-adapted forests.

Giant Sequoia Seedlings Bulldozed by Loggers California
Millions of natural seedlings have been killed or are currently being destroyed by logging operations in numerous sequoia groves.

Sequoia Seedlings Thriving in South Peyrone Grove California
Millions of natural sequoia seedlings sprouted up after the 2021 Windy Fire. Take a virtual walk through them with I Love Trees!

The Logging of Packsaddle Sequoia Grove California
Packsaddle sequoia grove and the surrounding forest has been decimated by the Forest Service / Save the Redwoods League. Bulldozers have ripped apart the earth and turned the forest into dust. Thousands of sequoia seedlings have been crushed by bulldozers or trees dropped on top of them.

The Coffee Pot Fire Deception California
The Coffee Pot Fire kept fizzling out, but the National Park Service (NPS) lit the Eden Creek Grove of sequoias on fire on purpose in order to do a lengthy control burn in the guise of wildfire. Eden Creek Grove is located in Wilderness and should not have been subject to this deceptive action.

Sequoia Seedlings and Saplings in Agnew Grove California
Sequoia seedlings thrive after fire, despite erroneous claims to the contrary. We need forest recovery, not restoration.

Sequoia Seedlings in Redwood Mountain Grove California
Millions of natural sequoia seedlings are flourishing in Redwood Mountain Grove, but Sequoia National Park authorities insist on destroying them.

Giant Sequoia Seedling Videos California
Abundant natural giant sequoia seedlings and saplings are flourishing in every grove that burned in recent wildfires. Watch them thrive!

Sequoia Groves Under Siege by Logging California
Numerous sequoia groves have been recently logged or are currently being destroyed by active (and illegal) logging. In most cases the groves are being re-logged, thereby putting them back into the compromised condition they were in prior to recent fires.

Natural Sequoia Seedlings Thriving After Recent Fires California
Sequoia seedlings are thriving after the recent wildfires. They are also being destroyed by human actions, including logging and planting in the sequoia groves.

Board Camp Grove’s Sequoia Seedlings and Living Trees California
Board Camp Grove is flourishing with robust sequoia seedlings and natural recovery. Sequoia forests are designed to burn, even severely, and don’t need our “help.”

The Winter I Got Stuck in a Sequoia Grove
How a Naturalist Found Herself Snowed in with the World’s Biggest Trees

NPS Planting Project Will Ruin Our Sequoia Groves California
The NPS is once again planning on tampering with wilderness areas, this time with a massive planting project that covers six sequoia groves: Homer’s Nose, Board Camp, Dillonwood, Suwanee, Redwood Mountain, and New Oriole.

Save the Redwoods League Continues Logging the Sequoia Forests California
Save the Redwoods League continues to commercially log an ancient sequoia forest, including clearcut logging the entire side of a mountain. They are killing natural seedlings and deliberately increasing climate change.

Snowshoeing Sequoias California
The wintertime wonder of snowshoeing through a forest of ancient giant sequoias.

Mariposa Grove is on Fire – The Most “Managed” Sequoia Grove of All California
Mariposa Grove has a long history of being managed. Millions of dollars were spent cutting and burning the forest in 2018. Yet, it’s on fire anyway.

Spotted Owls in a Giant Sequoia California
While hiking from tree to tree in a wilderness grove hardly anyone ever sees, I came across two spotted owls, a parent and baby, high up in a sequoia cavity.

Sequoia National Park after the KNP Fire California
A drive through Sequoia National Park after the KNP Complex Fire showing the damage in Redwood Mountain Grove and Suwanee Grove.

Looking for a New Home California
I lost my home in the Castle Fire and still haven’t found a new one. If there’s anyone out there who knows of a quiet forest or is looking for a nature preservationist…

My National Geographic Poster of Sequoias California
Nat Geo asked me to shoot for the May 2022 issue. The result: gatefold poster of giant sequoias in the aftermath of the Castle Fire.

Sequoia National Park Announces Plans to Create a Tree Plantation in the Wilderness California
NPS plans to conduct a tree planting experiment in the Board Camp sequoia grove (in the John Krebs Wilderness), including cutting and helicoptering in foreign seed.

Windy Fire Firsthand Report: Starvation Creek, Deer Creek, Packsaddle, Long Meadow California
Preliminary firsthand account of giant sequoia losses in 4 groves impacted by the 2021 Windy Fire: Starvation Creek, Deer Creek, Packsaddle, and Long Meadow. Includes info about Packsaddle Giant and Red Chief.

Save the Redwoods League Logging California
Save the Redwoods League clearcut logging is causing irreparable damage to the Alder Creek giant sequoia grove. Video included.

The 2021 KNP Complex Fire and Windy Fire Impacts on Sequoias California
Many giant sequoias perished in the 2021 KNP Complex and Windy fires. Updated: October 2023

Windy Fire and KNP Complex Burning 22 Sequoia Groves and Counting
The Windy Fire and KNP Complex Fire continue the tree apocalypse of our time. Updated: October 4, 2021.

2020 Castle Fire: One Year Later – Full List of Sequoia Grove Impacts California
A recap of the 2020 SQF Complex / Castle Fire one year later, including impact summaries for every grove. Plus, new fires in the sequoias.

Great Bonsai Drops and Burns in Mountain Home California
The famous giant sequoia named Great Bonsai dropped its massive limbs to the ground, revealing that it had been burning on the inside for nearly an entire year since being killed by the 2020 Castle Fire.

Save the Redwoods League is Logging Alder Creek Grove California
Save the Redwoods League is clear cutting the forest. Updated: August 5, 2021.

Tulare County and Cal OES are Committing Disaster Fraud by Cutting Living Green Trees California
Tulare County and Cal OES are cutting down scores of living green trees under the guise of “disaster cleanup.” Wildfire has been a boon for the county and state, with seemingly infinite FEMA dollars up for grabs.

Sequoia Mortality Study Released California
The Castle Fire destroyed 31-42% of all large giant sequoias in its path, the equivalent of 10-14% of their total population.